Sunday, March 02, 2008

I've been tagged!

Susan, over at 29 Black Street, tagged me on this meme today, and being the odd and random kinda gal that I am, I couldn't resist taking her up on her challenge.

Here's the challenge: post a list of 7 things that are odd or random about myself and then tag 5 other blogs myself.

Okay, well, seeing as Susan is the only person I know personally who keeps a blog, instead of tagging other bloggers, I'll tag my gal pals of the FFCC...the Five Fabulous Chubby Chicks. Their responses will all be via email, so unfortunately readers of Live to Lounge won't be able to see them. But here's mine!

  1. I have an uncontrollable, almost pathological attraction to sparkly things, no matter what they are. This morning I found myself staring, positively riveted, at a little girl's hat because the fake fur on it had little glittery fibers in it. If I was ever to start my own retail business, it would be a faux jewelry shop (dubbed by Tonia as "Julie Bling-Bling" in honor of my mother, the Shopping Channel addict).
  2. While I am, regrettably, a very messy and unorganized person, I am compulsive about keeping my digital documents filed in an orderly way. If the file is still on my computer, I can go straight to it, without ever using the computer's Search function (which, on the PC, sucks anyway!)
  3. If I had to choose, I'd much rather have my hands and forearms massaged than my feet. But please don't ask me to choose - just do both!
  4. My secret silly fantasy is to become a famous novelist, going on publicity tours, being interviewed and all that jazz. It might help if I could discipline myself to write on a regular basis! LOL
  5. When I lived in BC, I became, briefly, a practicing Wiccan. Gave it up because I couldn't even buy into that level of religious belief. Although, I still like their earth-centric and sensible approach.
  6. I'm hooked on the Food Network, even though I very rarely cook. If someone was living with me, they might get spoiled rotten with all the things I'd want to try on them!
  7. I don't let my cat in my bedroom. I'm a very light sleeper, and animals on the bed keep me awake. Plus, I don't like the idea of cat hair on my pillow.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I especially liked the Julie Bling Bling. Every surface including my bed pillows and sheets are covered with cat & dog hair. I could, should vacuum every day but who am I kidding ? A common occurrence for me, at least several times a day, is trying to retrieve a hair from my eye. Smile. Thanks for playing along,
xo, S.