Sunday, March 02, 2008

One from the funny papers

Okay...I just had to repost this. It's too funny-weird not to do a virtual raised eyebrow on...

From today's CBC news website online:

Woman finds half-naked man watching porn in her home

An Ottawa woman awoke early Wednesday morning to find a man with his pants down watching pornography on her home computer.

The woman in her 20s woke up around 4 a.m. to discover the partly-undressed stranger in her apartment on Langs Road, close to Montfort Hospital in the east end, according to an Ottawa police news release Thursday.

The man fled through the front door of her apartment after she confronted him.

Police are searching for a male about 30 years old, white, and about five foot six to five foot eight inches tall (168 to 173 centimetres), with a thin build.

He had pale skin, short dark hair, and thick glasses.

Right. Uh huh. I think the most surprising thing about this is that it happened in Ottawa! LOL

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