Thursday, November 08, 2007

Late night

Here I am, still at the office at 11:13pm. Ugh.

I gotta say though, I'm in a pretty darn good mood for someone who's just worked a 14-hour day. I guess it's because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and, while there has been a shitload of work to do, things have gone smoothly and I'm where I wanted to be at this point. Can't complain about that. I've never been one to become disgruntled at having a LOT of work to do...well, work-work anyway. As long as things go smoothly, I'm pretty content to just keep going. Now, don't ask me about housework or yard work or stuff like that. I just hate that anyway, no matter how little of it there is to do!

Ok...looks like my job is printing properly, so that means I can go home now.


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