Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm a failure

I missed another blog yesterday. That's two already this month. I was supposed to blog every day for the month of November for this National Blog Posting Month thing I signed up for. The first day I missed was Nov. 5...didn't take long, eh? So I figure now that I've missed a second one, I'm just going to give it up. I deleted my profile on the NaBloPoMo site and will just go back to blogging when I feel like it. Hopefully that will make for more interesting entries than I've been offering lately, which have been little more than inventories of all the overtime I've been working.

Today is the first day I've had off in almost a month. I can't even remember when the last day off was. It was a Saturday or Sunday...I think three weeks ago. It's dull, blustery day, only -1c right now, and we may get some flurries. All the trees across the courtyard from my apartment have lost their leaves now, and I can see the backs of all the houses they conceal during the summer. They're up on a little hill, so they're at about the same elevation as my fourth floor unit. Maybe I should consider getting some curtains. As much as I adore seeing into other people's homes, the thought of someone else seeing into mine really makes me squirrelly.

So what am I going to do with all my free time this weekend? Except for one thing, I have no freakin' idea. Early this evening, I'm picking Tonia up and we're going to the Fat Chick's shop to do some clothes shopping...can't wait...I've been wanting to do this for a while. I really need some decent new winter tops for work. Tonia wants to get an outfit for her office Christmas party.

Happily, my office has decided to ditch the traditional evening restaurant party this year in favour of a catered lunch at the office sometime during December, plus a bowling party during office hours in January. I think they've figured out that people don't like giving up their personal time for work...even if, in this case, work involves eating, drinking and partying. I know I don't. This new plan suits me just fine.

Had a fun experience yesterday afternoon. Had a visit at the office from a young man who is a journalism student at Algonquin College. He's got an assignment to redesign a weekly newspaper, and coincidentally for him, as he has lived in the Orleans area for 17 years, he randomly received one of OUR newspapers to redesign! This is very exciting for me, as I personally did the redesign of the paper he's going to tackle, so I'm really, really looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. It's exciting for him too, because he's probably the only one in his class who has the benefit of meeting with the designer of the newspaper he's going to redesign, plus I introduced him to one of our editors, with whom he spent a good half hour jawing about things that journalists jaw about. I had also given him a disk full of stuff that will hopefully help and inspire him in his assignment. He was really pumped up when he left. I have to say, I was too!

I really should consider a career in teaching. It jazzes me.

So...other than shopping this evening, I guess I really need to spend some time on housework this weekend. Goodness knows I'm a lousy housekeeper at the best of times, but lately with all the overtime, I've literally had NO time for it at all, and it has gotten pretty bad here. I desperately need to do laundry. The carpet needs vacuuming, the bathrooms need scrubbing. Oh ALL needs to be done. there's not a corner of my apartment that I can say I don't need to attend to. Well, maybe the corner where the book-cases are (glances over there...nope, that corner needs a bit of attention too. *sigh*).

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