After all the overtime I put in over the last two months, I figured I was going to get some normal hours this week...but I haven't got out of the office before 6:30 or seven all week.
At least my boss agreed to let me have four fridays off to make up for all the overtime. That'll be nice. Might even take a Thursday at some point too...have a nice four-day weekend. I'd have done it this week, but my maternity leave gal is finished after her shift tomorrow, so I figure I shouldn't miss her last day. We all took her out for lunch today to Moxies. It was quite good...I had an open-faced steak sandwich which was excellent, and their mashed taters were really yummy too (I've been off fries for a while...baked or mashed instead. I"m enjoying it). It was a really pleasant way to spend some time with my staff too...we laughed a lot. Really nice. They're a good bunch.
Think I'm going to try and go to church this weekend. I've missed several weeks since the first two times I went. I really enjoyed it, and hope to make it a semi-regular thing. Jack's going to Toronto for a week or so too, so mum needs someone to take her for her brekkie in the morning! Happily, church finishes around 11:40, and brekkie is usually around noon, so it works out perfectly. The rest of the weekend, I'm just going to vegetate, sleep a lot, try and slowly get my apartment in order, do a few loads of laundry and generally just try to get my energy level back up to its customary low-to-middlin' state, rather than the energy? what energy? state I've been in since the big project ended.
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