Monday, November 26, 2007

A bug in your ear

I know that, for many people, giving gifts at Christmas is one of life's great joys. But do you or they really need the things you're exchanging? Think about this. When was the last time you or your loved ones really needed anything that you weren't able to provide for yourself on a regular basis? Food, clothing, shelter, basic luxuries, even the odd extravagance now and then.

And think about this also... how often do you hear about other people who could really, really use the money you're spending on friends and family, who don't really need what you're giving them anyway? There are people in the world who don't have enough to eat every day, or can't clothe themselves properly. There are people who live on the street, people who grow up without learning how to read, people forced from their homes by war or famine or natural disaster. There are people everywhere dying of horrible diseases because a cure hasn't been found yet. There are animals who need care, and even Mother Nature needs help these days.

As we approach this next holiday season, I would like you and your loved ones to consider something different this year. Talk to each other. Decide that this year you will give to those people, animals and causes in need. Spend at least part of your holiday gift-giving budget on helping, rather than on excess. Pool the money you would have spent on each other and send it to a worthy cause. Along with the toys you give them, give the children in your life a lesson about charity. Just cut back on the extravagance and send what's left over to those who really need it.

And, if you still really need an iPod, you'll probably have some money left over to buy it for yourself.

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