Friday, February 19, 2010

I love...

I love the smell of cloves. I love reading Stephen King novels late into the night. I love a good cold, crisp glass of white wine and a mellow, rich glass of red. I love Jack Daniels and medium-rare steak with Montreal steak spice and lightly sauteed onions. I love puppies. I love writing sentences that blow me away when I read them again years later. I love vampire stories. I love funny people and serious people and people who have so much going on in their brains that I can't even keep up with them. I love my mother more than anyone else on the planet. And I love my family and my friends who love me back. I love the colour purple, and I love black and red too. I love the art of Vincent Van Gough and Carrivagio and the writing of John Steinbeck and Anne Rice.

I love reading the public-private blogs of strangers. I love spaghetti. I love Stoned Wheat Thin crackers with butter and I also love them with goat cheese and caviar. I love soaking in a hot bath with a good book. I love SweetTarts. I love driving and driving and driving and driving. I love Canada, my home and native land. I love poached eggs. I love comfortable shoes and pants that fit right. I love pleasing others and being told that they were pleased. I love computers and the Internet. I love living alone and being self-sufficient. I love surprises. I love big special-effects blockbusters and sweet little old black and white movies from the 40s. I love Colin James and Craig Ferguson. I love Ottawa and Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. I love my two Dads. I love spending the night in hotels. I love take-off on big jet planes. I love my iPhone. I love snuggly, soft, purring, relaxed cats. I love naps and sleeping in, and I also love getting up so early no one else is up yet, and having the world to myself for a while.

I love that I still feel 25, even though I'm 50. I love thunderstorms, the bigger the better. I love fog and rain and snowstorms too. I love reading out loud to myself. I love reading, period. I love writing. I love when people like my writing. I love working at home. I love being able to come and go as I please. I love anything cinnamon-flavoured and anything lemon-flavoured. I love Jack Daniels and Jamieson's Irish Whiskey and Dr. McGillicuddy's Fireball Whiskey Shooter. I love watching Lost with Tonia via chat. I love sparkly things and colourful things and dangly things. I love my writers' group. I love the smell of the earth after a light rain when it's been dry for too long. I love the smell of new-mown hay and freshly mown grass and roasting turkey. I love looking up at the stars, especially when there's a meteor shower going on. I love people who can answer my questions. I love toasted peanut-butter and jam sandwiches and I love fresh bread with butter and honey. I love finding that forgotten $20 bill in last fall's jacket. I love cheerful, flirty waiters. I love driving past the Parliament buildings and singing Oh Canada. I love that aging means I can relax and stop worrying about what other people think about me. I love being helpful. I love smart people. I love laughing.

I love that I love so much that this is only a tiny fraction of what I love.

1 comment:

Kandykisses said...

I also love that you love and there are many things that you love :) Making a list like that really opens you and lets people have a cool way to kind of peek into your life.