Monday, July 06, 2009

What do you believe....really?

I stumbled across an interesting online quiz today called the Spiritual Belief System Selector Quiz. It asks some basic questions, and allows you to rate each of your answers according to how much priority you place on them. Your results show you what per cent of each of the 27 different religions/worldviews the test measures for.

You can take the test here

I took this quiz and my result was that I am 100% Secular Humanist. They define Secular Humanists as, generally, atheists or agnostics who value ethics, reason, logic, rational/critical thinking, inquisitiveness, use of scientific methods to learn about the world, and humanitarian action to improve the quality of life of individuals and humankind.

There were a couple of interesting things about my results. First, the lowest percentage I received on all 27 possibilities was 11%. I got 11% in five faiths: Roman Catholicism, Orthodox Judaism, Hinduism, Jehovah's Witness and Islam. This tells me that all worldviews share at least some similar values and beliefs. Nice, eh? :-)

The second interesting thing was that I scored a whopping 70% similarity to Liberal Quakers. I don't even know what a Liberal Quaker IS...but I'm going to find out!

So...I'm curious...if you're willing to share. What was your highest percentage? Did it support your expectations or did it surprise you?


Unknown said...

100% Secular Humanist for me.

Patti said...

:-) I had a feeling you would be.

Unknown said...

Yeah it's not a big surprise eh? That Liberal Quaker one was 3rd or 4th on my list. 67% I think.