Sunday, June 21, 2009

Patti's Greek Style Ribs

This has to be what I'd call my signature dish. I don't remember where I got the recipe, but it doesn't matter because I've changed it so much from the original that I can safely call it my own. It's gotten rave reviews every time I've made it for friends, and it's one of the very few dishes I'll actually cook for myself when I'm home alone.

I'm told that no one else who's tried this recipe has had quite the same success with it as I do. I think I know why. The ingredients in this recipe are kinda like sexual lubricant or Cow Bell. When you think you've used enough, you haven't. Use more. LOL...I should rename this recipe "More Cow Bell Ribs." Or maybe "K-Y Ribs."

You can do this on steak and it's very good. I've heard someone tried it on chicken and it was good. I'd like to try it on those giant beef ribs some time...that would probably be awesome. But usually I use it on the racks of short pork ribs you see in the stores that cost around $11-12 (CDN) per package and look like a ton of meat till you actually get them on your plate. One package is enough for two people, especially if you're having salad and/or veggies on the side. Usually, if I'm making them just for me, I'll pig out on just the ribs, and still have some left over (they re-heat really well in the nuker).

These ribs turn out sooo juicy and flavourful you won't believe it. Just remember...when you think you've put on enough stuff...put on more.

Seasoning salt
Garlic salt
Garlic Powder
Lemon Juice

Turn your oven on to Broil. While it's getting up to temp...

Line a cookie sheet with foil and spray the foil with Pam (or use Alcan Slide non-stick foil, like I that stuff!). Peel any white membrane from the ribs.

Place the ribs on the cookie sheet and slather both sides with butter. C'mon, use your hands, don't be shy, that's what hot water and soap are for (couldn't hurt to use somma that before you get your hands all over the meat too!!). Then go to town with the dry ingredients on both sides of the meat, using the really powdery ones first so they'll stick well. Really sprinkle them on there. I've been known to use 1/4 to 1/3 of a small bottle of herbs on a single rack.

Sprinkle lemon juice gently over the seasoned meat...again, don't be stingy, the lemon juice and the butter are what will make the meat so juicy and tender. I usually use at least a quarter cup all told. Careful not to wash away the seasonings as you sprinkle the lemon juice on. You can add more lemon juice halfway through cooking if you feel it needs it.

Turn the ribs so they're meat-side-down and put them on the top rack under the broiler. After 7 minutes, remove from the oven, and turn them meat-side-up. Add more seasonings and lemon juice now if you think you've lost too much onto the foil MORE COW BELL!!

Ahem. Broil another 7 minutes meat-side-up, then lower the oven to 350 degrees, move rack to middle of oven and bake for 30 minutes while you prepare your veggies or play with the cat.

You will not believe the amazing aroma that will start filling your kitchen during the first round of broiling. By the time you get these ribs on your plate, you'll be drooling like Bugsy Moran does when I rub his ears really hard. Okay...sexual lubricant and cat-drool in a recipe? This is just wrong.

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