Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Morning dream 090401

I had an April Fool's dream this morning just before waking. Really weird. I dreamed I was in a convenience store somewhere. I looked over towards the magazine rack and there was a young man standing there, wearing a greengrocer's apron, and holding a this jewelled thing, about half an inch tall, gingerly between this thumb and forefinger. It was made up of several different-coloured stones, faceted and set together invisibly so it seemed like a nicely arranged cluster with no setting. Very pretty, was something I'd actually wear. The guy was peering at it and didn't seem to notice anyone around him. The next day, I was somewhere else, talking with someone, and my cell phone rang. When I answered, it was the guy from the convenience store, accusing me of stealing the jewel. Of course I denied it, I hadn't gone anywhere near the guy. Somehow I knew he was trying to frame me for some reason, that he hadn't lost the thing. He said he was going to call the police.

I was really worried. I knew I had nothing to feel guilty about, but I also knew this could cause me a lot of fuss and bother, and really, how could I prove I hadn't stolen it? If it didn't turn up in the guy's possession or somewhere else, I could be in trouble. I was confused because I couldn't figure out why this guy wanted to do this to me.

The answer came the next day (I think this is the first multi-day dream I've ever had!) he called again and insisted that I meet him somewhere at a specific time. Figuring I had no choice, and might be able to settle this nonsense, I showed up and found the guy chatting with a maitre d' at a nice restaurant. It turns out the guy was framing me because he wanted a date with me. Finding that out made me mad (whereas before I was just confused, frustrated and annoyed) and I rejected his advances and told him to go sit down and I'd join him shortly. I needed to find a lawyer, so I phoned my step-dad to get him to help me find one. And that's where I woke up.

This dream was unique in that, as I said, the timeframe it took place in spanned several days (in the dream), but the dream itself actually seemed to go on and on, mutating several times as other dreams tried to encroach upon it and replace it. Kind of a super-bug type of dream.

Sadly, the jewelled item was never found. Maybe I'll dream about it again tonight and find out! LOL

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