Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pat Peeves Pot Pourri

I've heard a few things on the news lately that really chap my ass.

1. Chrysler threatens to close their plants in Canada if they don't get a $2.8 billion dollar bailout from the government, along with concessions from their unionized employees and resolution of a tax dispute.

Oh, boo-hoo. Whatcha gonna do, Chrysler, take your ball and go home to Mommy? You gonna stamp your feet and hold your breath? You gonna scream till your face turns red and someone gives you what you want?

Quit your whining and stop threatening us. Where do you get off making demands like that with things the way they are these days? How DARE you take advantage of an economic climate in which bailouts have become everyday news?

I'll tell you one thing. I was considering buying a PT Cruiser, but now I'm not gonna. So there. Pthbt. I've never owned a Chrysler product and now I never will. Take THAT, you whiny crooks.

2. Ottawa Transit workers refusing to book their schedules in May and June to protest government caps on the length of their work shifts and the minimum amount of time they have to have off between shifts.

Okay...I challenge you to convince me how you could possibly be a safe driver after being behind the wheel, maneuvering one of the largest vehicles on the road and dealing with the public (many of whom are energy-sucking jerks), for TWENTY-TWO HOURS!! And I also challenge you make me believe you can take less than eight hours off to recuperate and then go back to work alert, refreshed and at the top of your game.

People I love take the bus every day, you goons. I wish I could slap your collective faces. I want my loved ones' drivers to be fresh, rested and alert, not nodding off behind the wheel because you're so greedy you don't care about your own safety, let alone the safety of your passengers and the other drivers and pedestrians you're sharing the road with.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...being unionized breeds greed.

And how can you possibly have a personal life working 22-hour shifts?? That's pathetic. If you've got so little to do in your free time that you'd rather work almost around the clock, than work a regular 8-12 hour shift and then go do some volunteer work for a few hours and then go home and sleep the sleep of the blessed. There's better things to do with your time than working around the clock.

You know...never mind that. I really don't give a tinker's damn about your personal lives. I give a damn about my friends and family who ride the buses. Don't you dare put them at risk for your own gain.

3. "They" have decided not to renew one of my favourite tv shows, Life on Mars.

I've been enjoying the American version, I even went and downloaded all the episodes of the two-season BBC original series and have been enjoying that just as much. Sometimes I wonder how they make these decisions. It's a really good show. Well-written, interesting storylines, REALLY good characters with lots of chemistry. So what gives? Is it another case of a TV show that's too smart for most viewers? Geeze, if a simple cop drama is too smart for the average American, that might explain why that country is in such a shambles.

4. Still annoyed by the cuts at A-Ottawa.

I just can't get used to Bill Welychka and Sandra Blaikie on the morning show. They don't FIT! If they cut Karen because she made the most money, they would have done better by cutting Bill AND Sandra and keeping Karen. Surely that would have saved them more money. And didn't Karen have more seniority too? I just don't get it! Managers of TV stations and networks really need to get a clue. And judging from the number of comments on my full post on this subject several days ago, a lot of other people feel just as I do. I've never had even close to as many comments on any of my posts as I've had on that one. I'm really pleased about it, but sad about the topic that got me writing that post in the first place.

5. I thought there was something else bugging me today, but I can't remember what it was! :-) I should just let it go, I guess...purge that negativity from my mind and enjoy my long weekend. I've got the girls coming over Saturday night for an Irish-themed potluck in honour of St. Patrick's day. We're having Irish stew, soda bread, potato pancakes and other yummy stuff... should be good!!

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