Friday, September 05, 2008

Crazy dream

Had another crazy dream last night. I dreamed I got the chance to go up in a fighter jet for a ride. I got my gear on, and the pilot told me where to sit. But instead of sitting where I was told, when the pilot was strapped into his seat, I went to the back of the plane and crawled into the bomb bay and strapped myself in there. The bomb bay was nothing more than a glass cone at the very back end of the plane, and was actually open to the wind on two sides. My feet were dangling outside! I remember thinking in my dream that this would be okay because it was at the back of the plane so the wind would be tolerable. LOL

I sat their during the entire flight and the pilot never knew. He did climbs and dives and loop-de-loops and all that fun stuff and I just sat there whooping and hollering and having a blast.

And the pilot never realized, even after we landed, that I hadn't been sitting where I was supposed to!

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