Friday, August 29, 2008

Brand new Meme, fresh off the keyboard

I'm tired of all the same-old, same-old questionnaires, so I've decided to invent one of my own. Answer at your own risk...

(Just to ensure this questionnaire doesn't get completely ignored, you can decline to answer any question you wish)

- What's your favourite sexual position? (On top)

- Have you ever shoplifted? (once, when I was six)

- How many sexual partners have you had?(13)

- Were they all of the same sex? ( far)

- Ever been arrested? (newp)

- Do you hate anyone? Willing to say who? (No, but I'm not too keen on GW Bush)

- On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like your job? (these days, about 4)

- Have you ever gotten drunk and done something you regretted later? (only puked...I hate puking)

- How closely do your childhood ambitions match where you are in life today? (not at all...I had wanted to be a paleontologist!)

- How old were you when you lost your virginity? (18)

- What body part of your preferred sex turns you on the most? (forearms and hands)

- Have you ever had a temper tantrum at work? (no...gotten cranky a few times though)

- Ever been fired? (once...and I could have won had I fought it)

- If were stranded on a desert island, what book would you hope to have with you? (To Kill a Mockingbird)

- how many books do you have on the go right now? (Oh least five)

- What's your secret ambition? (to be a famous author like Steven King)

- Have you ever gotten violent? (only with inanimate objects, and rarely at that)

- What's your guilty pleasure? (wine)

- What scares you the most? (being physically and/or financially dependent)

- What makes you happiest? (praise for things I feel I've done well)

- What are you most proud of? (my willingness to take risks)

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