Saturday, September 27, 2008


No wonder I don't eat much fruit! Every time I buy it, I end up throwing most of it away because, frankly, it just tastes so BLEH! I mean, what's going on here? I remember crisp, juicy, sweet apples and pears, and luscious oranges and tangerines and peaches that'd blow you away.

Nowadays, apples are mealy and almost completely tasteless. I just had a red pear that was the right texture and quite juicy, but what little flavour it had was incredibly bland and unappetizing. I had three bites and threw the rest away. Aren't pears in season now? Shouldn't they taste good?? Every time I eat an orange these days, all the little globules of juicy stuff practically fall apart in my mouth and it feels like I have a mouthful of rice kernels that, when I chew on them, are watery and don't even produce enough interest in my mouth to make any saliva, so I'm left with just the megre juice of the orange to try and wash down all that dry crap. And strawberries...don't get me started. Oversized, over-engineered pieces of tasteless shit, which are probably about as nutritious as they are tasty. The ONLY time to eat strawberries is when you can buy them fresh from the local farm in early summer.

The only fruit I can think of that tastes just as good as it always did is bananas.

Am I doing something wrong? Am I completely bonkers and fruit tastes just as good as ever? Am I choosing the wrong kind? Should I be trying organic? I really need to eat more fruit, so I hope someone can give me some advice here so I don't end up resorting to Mott's Fruit Cocktails.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree! Ontario is apple growing country but if you go to the grocery store and buy a nice red delicious apple it's most likely from Washington state and tastes like bleh.