Sunday, September 21, 2008

The good, the bad and the ugly 080921

Haven't done one of these in a while, so what the heck...

--There are a few good things! I made my deadline on the magazine at work. Just a couple more days of final production and I can ship her off to the press.
--I joined Toastmasters and got an award on only my second meeting. It was for doing an inpromptu 2-minute speech on a topic I'm too embarrassed to admit I excel at (reality TV shows...shhh)
--I also joined a writer's group out in Kanata which meets every other week. It was the only writers group I could find in Ottawa that wasn't too narrowly focused on one aspect of writing...this one is a general group, regular folks who jut like writing. I'm hoping it'll inspire me to buckle down and do some actual writing. So far, no dice.
--I became the art director for my church's monthly newsletter, The Spire. Have only done one issue, but the editor was very pleased. I'll do my next one next month.

Been suffering from a pinched nerve in my neck for the last two weeks. I *think* it's starting to improve...slowly. The funny thing is, my neck doesn't hurt at all, and I can move around just fine...thank goodness. What hurts is my arm...a deep throbbing pain in my inner left bicep and sharp pain in my outer lower arm, accompanied by some very disturbing numbness in my forefinger and ring finger on that hand. Two doctors have said there's nothing much they can do for it. Got x-rays done...they show a bit of degeneration in the disks and some mild arthritis... nothing at all unusual for someone my age. My GP prescribed Percocets for the pain. I've only taken two or three. They just make me stoned and don't really do much at all for the pain. Didn't take any painkillers at all today. It's tolerable, though not pleasant. If I'm still feeling pain in a week, I think I'll ask my doc to send me for physio...I've heard that can help.

The travesty that is the American Republican Party. That's all I'm sayin'.

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