Thursday, July 23, 2009

Islamic Ritual Murder

I'm so pissed off I could scream, spit and start a revolution.

At the end of June, the bodies of four women - three teens and a 50-year-old - were found inside a car in the water near the locks on the Rideau River near Kingston, Ontario. The dead woman was the man's "first wife." All four women had drowned. Here's the link for full details (so far).

Today, we learned that the father, mother and one of the brothers of the three teens have all been arrested for murder.

Police suspect this may have been an "honour killing." I will not assume that's what happened in this case until the police say so for sure, and it may take time for them to determine that. But it's looking pretty certain.

Either way, we all know that "honour killings" have taken place in North America. This quadruple murder, whether it's an honour killing or not, has made this issue incredibly potent for me right now. I believe it's time to put away the political correctness and put a stop to it in any way we possibly can.

I think the first place to start is in what we call it. "Honour killings" are not honourable. Nor are they mere killings. They are murders...slaughter...pre-meditated, cold-blooded and, for anyone with a brain, completely senseless.

I propose that we (meaning everyone) immediately stop using the term "honour killing" and replace it with a phrase that is much more accurate: Islamic ritual murder. And don't shy away from using the word Islamic. It's Islamic people who practice this reprehensible form of punishment. It's ritual because it's condoned by fundamentalist followers of the Muslim faith, and it's murder, plain and simple.

We have to call a spade a spade before we can call it out onto the carpet and shine the harsh light of accusation on its practitioners. Don't use the phrase "honour killing" anymore. Islamic ritual murder is what this is.

And if you think it's shameful to lump all Muslims together under one nasty banner...well, they deserve it. There's probably ten or more liberal Muslims for every fundamental Muslim in the world. I don't know the statistics, but I'd bet that the odds are there. So why are the fundies allowed to get away with what they do? A concerted campaign by every liberal Muslim in the world would shame the fundies out of existence within a decade.

Second, I believe that anyone convicted of Islamic ritual murder in Canada or the USA should be immediately deported back to wherever they came from. I don't give a damn if they've already been given their Canadian or American citizenship. Revoke it. Get them the fuck off this continent and send them back to the barren wasteland they hail from. And if they happen to have been born here, then execute them. Put them to death just like they put their wife or sister or daughter to death. No mercy.

I'm so sick of hearing about assholes who do sick, perverted, WRONG things because their religion tells them it's okay. And all of us namby-pamby, politically correct, comfortable, well-fed "normal people" are just enabling them because we're all pussies and cowards and don't want to offend anyone.

It's time to stop worrying about offending people and start protecting the rights of those who have no power. WE have power. WE have clout. Let's embrace our righteous indignation and our inner caveman and put a stop to god-sanctioned violence.

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