Sunday, August 03, 2008

How the years change us

Cribbed from Amanda Earl's Notes

It was 1998.

1.) How old were you?:

2.) Where did you go to school?:
I'd been out of school for 18 years by then.

3.) Where did you work?:
The Powell River Peak, in B.C.

4.) Where did you live?
Powell River.

5.) Where did you hang out?
Pretty much at work and at home.

6.) Did you wear glasses?
Not quite yet.

7.) Who did you hang out with?:
People from work.

8.) How many tattoos did you have?

9.) How many piercings did you have?
Four...all in my ears.

10.) What car did you drive?:
A '91 Pontiac 6000LE, just purchased that year.

11.) Had you been to a real party yet?
Several...but not for a long time.

12.) Had your heart broken?:
Freshly...had just separated from my ex the year before.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter:

14) What was your hair like?
Short, graying brown

15) What were you listening to?
A lot of Creedence, Collective Soul and Pearl Jam

16) What was your favourite book?
Can't remember

17) Hobbies and interests?
Cross Stitch, and a burgeoning passion for writing short stories


It was 2003

1.) How old were you?:

2.) Where did you go to school?:
Had been out of school for 23 years

3.) Where did you work?:
Had been with my current employer for 3 years by then.

4.) Where did you live?:
Blossom Park, in Gloucester (Ottawa)

5.) Where did you hang out?:
In a chatroom called BBWOasis, with all my current r/l friends

6.) Did you wear glasses?
Had recently started wearing drugstore glasses for reading

7.) Who did you hang out with?:
Tonia, Carol, Bill, Betty

8.) Who was your regular-person crush?:
If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

9.) How many tattoos did you have?:
Still none.

10.) How many piercings did you have?:
Still four.

11.) What car did you drive?
Still had the Pontiac 6000

12.) Had you had your heart broken?
Bigtime... bigtime. Just that year.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter:

14) What was your hair like?
Mostly silver...I stopped colouring it in 2002.

15) What were you listening to?
Enigma, Loreena McKinnet, Colin James

16) What was your favourite book?
Anything by Stephen King or Anne Rice

17) Hobbies and interests?
Writing, writing and writing


1.) How old are you?:

2.) Where do you work?
Same place I have since 2000

3.) Where do you live?
Blackburn Hamlet

4.) Do you wear glasses?:
All the time now.

5.) Who do you hang out with?
Tonia, mostly. My folks. Betty and Carol now and then.

6.) Do you talk to your old friends?:
After learning (long after the fact) of a couple of old friends who had died, I resolved to try and keep in touch with as many old friends as I can. Facebook is ideal for that.

7.) How many piercings do you have?:
Still only four!

8.) How many tattoos?:
None...but considering a small, realistic-looking maple leaf on my right ankle.

9.) What kind of car do you drive?
'01 Toyota it.

10.) Has your heart been broken?:
Not recently, but it's cracked.

11.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter:
Single...and getting tired of it.

14) What is your hair like?

15) What are you listening to?
Anything Dk plays.

16) What's your favourite book (or a book you read and loved recently)?
Recently read and loved Mistress of the Art of Death... currently reading the Twilight series, plus the latest Outlander book A Breath of Snow and Ashes, among others.

17) Hobbies and interests?
A never-ending stream of micro-obsessions...and one big one.


rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Very well done. Discovered your blog through EveryOneNeedsTherapy, who I discovered through Havel Havelim.

Were these questions posed by a friend? A fellow blogger? Is it a meme?

One of your answers that touched me inspired this:

Do cracks ever seal
In hearts that have been broken
Even when we live

Patti said...

Welcome to my blog, Rabbi! post about sitting shiva has brought in several new readers. I'm delighted!

I found the questions in a note posted by one of my facebook friends, who had found them on one of *her* facebook friend's notes. I guess you could call that a meme, though it's an organic one rather than deliberately spread. I enjoy these question-and-answer things. Makes one think, remember, decide, etc.

I love your little haiku. I'm inclined to say no, they never heal, not quite. And just as well too, for it's the cracks that make us human.