Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random musings

I feel like blogging, but I have no idea what to write about.

My office has been on a semi-shutdown this week, so it's been really quiet. I love it. I haven't had a lot of pressing things to get done, so I've just taken my time and puttered and enjoyed the rare lull. It'll start getting crazy-busy again in about two weeks, and by early October I'll be pulling my hair out in batches from the stress. Hopefully some of the things I've done to prepare for the dreaded phone directory will make the job a little less stressful this year. I don't think I could make it through another six weeks like I had last October/November.

I'm looking forward to the long weekend. Tonia and I are going to go for a drive in the country. I was thinking of going upriver along the Ottawa...I've never done that before. But the map I was looking at didn't seem to show any roads following the riverside. Well, I'm sure it'll be a pleasant drive even if we can't keep the river in sight all the time. I'll spend my evenings listening to DkShadow radio and my days relaxing, reading, napping...the usual.

My mother has given me permission to look into obtaining a footstone for my brother's grave. I'm glad to do it. I have photos of my grandparent's headstone, which he's buried right next to, so I'll try to get the footstone made of the same type of rock, if that's doable. They may prefer to use a different type of stone since it's going to be laid flat into the ground...but we'll see. This photo is of the grave right after the service, after the urn had been placed inside. I have one looking right into the hole too, but it seemed too...private, I guess, to post it here. No, I didn't take them myself. My niece's step-father took them. Some people may consider it terribly morbid and in poor taste to take photos at a funeral. No one actually took photos during the funeral. Just afterwards as people were leaving. It doesn't bother me, personally. I'm actually glad to have the images. I find myself almost forgetting that he's gone, and then now and then I remember and it hits me and I tear up again. I'm glad that I do. Just the fact that I've been forgetting he's gone disturbs me...almost as if I don't care enough. It's comforting in an odd way to feel my eyes fill and my throat close when his memory comes back to me.

1 comment:

Barbara Martin said...

A grieving person's mind shuts out the pain by forgetting. Not to worry, as you've been posting about your grief which releases it. By going ahead and getting his gravestone is part of your healing process. My blessings go out to you in this tough time.